Published Sep 24, 2022
COLUMN: Michigan served the humble pie it needed against Maryland
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

It's no lemon meringue or key lime but Michigan was served a heaping slice of humble pie during its 34-27 victory over Maryland on Saturday.

Instead of expecting the sweet, mouth-watering sensation of your favorite baked good, this slice was far from sweet. It was sour and a good reminder that not everything is always going to be good. Looks can be deceiving.

And that's OK.

We've heard the questions for weeks.

Who has Michigan played? What did the Wolverines' non-conference schedule teach us about what the team is?

The response was easy. Well, just wait until Big Ten play. Wait until Maryland comes to town and go from there.

They came, we saw and, for a brief second, it appeared the Terrapins had a chance to conquer.

It was exactly what the Wolverines needed.

It was a grand reminder that not everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows during the season. You're not going to play a half of football and let your teammates do the rest. You're going to get punched in the mouth and you'd rather get it out of the way early so you have a chance to respond.

All credit goes to the Terrapins. The program came to play and came out swinging with several haymakers landing in the early stages, even if the special teams' mistake to begin the game could've ruined everything.

The Wolverines hung in there, absorbed the blows, and bounced back.

This was a learning experience for J.J. McCarthy. A welcome to life on the big stage, of course. While some of his on-field magic will work moving forward, the importance of playing mistake-free football is at a premium.

It was a dish of humble pie served bitterly cold that McCarthy accepts with open arms. He will take what he learned today, apply it to practice, and will be better for it going forward.

The defense, too, is showing that life is not going to be easy. Gone are the days of shutting out opponents in the first half, holding opponents to minimal yardage.

Taulia Tagovailoa came to play. He delivered the blows and proved that life in the Big Ten isn't going to come easy.

Despite all of that, the Wolverines responded to everything. Even if it looked difficult at times.

What you know is that you have your workhorse running back in Blake Corum. McCarthy played clean football from an interception standpoint and the defense is capable of making plays.

The Wolverines were finally challenged, perhaps knocked down a few pegs in the confidence department.

And that's OK.

The program was served its humble pie and now it has to eat it. Every last crumb.

And the Wolverines will be better because of it in the future.
