Published Mar 22, 2023
Everything Michigan's Josaiah Stewart said on In the Trenches
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

On what his ideal position is

I would just say EDGE, outside linebacker. I played at Coastal a little bit of D-end. I'd be in a 4-I a lot, interior sometimes here and there. I would definitely say EDGE, outside backer. Being the edge of the defense, rushing the passer, setting edges. That would be my forte.

On what sets him apart from other players

I feel like my speed and my natural leverage I have at my size. Some guys it may be harder to bend edges at different sizes, maybe harder to get under certain tackles but with my natural leverage, I find it easier to bend around edges and get under tackles.

On the game where he had four sacks

I believe it was the last drive, I already had two sacks at that point and my coach put me in. He just wanted to see how much I could get at that point so I'm like, I'm ready to go. I'm in the toolbox throwing all my tools and moves trying to get another sack. Trying to keep stacking them. I ended up with two of them in that last final drive, one was a forced fumble. My mind was just racing, I was just thinking about getting to the quarterback.

On the types of 'tools' he works with

I want to say just a chop-rip-dip move. Set them up with some power, finesse the edge, definitely like to go from speed to power, keep the tackle on their toes. I really define myself as a speed rusher but don't shy away from my power too much because it's there. Some people might be like, 'Oh, he's too small. He don't got power.' I got it. Definitely some speed moves.

On what it's been like transitioning to Michigan

It's been great. One of the reasons why I wanted to come here was developing in general and just learning new things. I feel like Michigan is doing a good job of teaching me that, teaching me the new techniques, new terms and playbooks. Just overall NFL-type defense, that's what I like. The competition and competitiveness I came here looking for.

On what creating his ideal position would look like

I remember reading an article back in my freshman year and they were describing me as a Tasmanian Devil off the edge. Probably like a Taz, something crazy off the edge, wreaking havoc, causing mayhem. Probably Taz.

On the biggest challenge for him

I want to say intensity. It's a lot more, especially for my position, it's a lot more focused on us. We have a lot more responsibility. Setting the defense at the SAM position, setting it to the left or the right, making out calls, calling out certain formations. Just being more vocal, I would say would be the challenge.

On how his goals have evolved through spring

Just some of my goals were, obviously, showing the coaches that I can come here and contribute to the team. Help this team win a national championship. Spring ball, first goal is obviously to get the playbook down. First and foremost, don't do too much. Don't try to show out or try to do extra. Do what you do, do what got you here and everything else will follow. Showing the coaches that I can be the key piece to a national championship.

On how big it would be to win the Big Ten and national championship

It would mean the world. I've actually never won a championship in my football career. I won one my freshman but I didn't really play that much so I don't really count it. I won a bowl my freshman year but I've never really won anything so that would mean the world to me. It would be my first real championship. Especially if I can come here and do it and contribute, and we win, that would be everything.

On how he learned to attack offenses differently

Trusting the coaches' gameplan, they will set you up to make plays no matter what the offense is going to do. Just always staying poised and locked in. The offense will throw everything at you. Chips, slides, protections, they might run away from you the whole time. As long as you're doing your job, you'll make plays.

On what he likes to do off the field

I'm a big gamer, I play a lot of Call of Duty, a lot of 2K, Madden, anybody out there trying to run some games, let me know. Big into music. I just like listening to music, especially while I'm playing video games. Relaxing, cooling it. Online with some friends probably but definitely some video games.

On the importance of competition

It's very fun. I feel like the more competitive you are, the more you want it. If you want it, the person in front of you trying to block you is not going to beat you. If you just have that mindset and carry that around with you all the time, great things will follow. Staying locked in and just knowing that you're better than the person in front of you, you'll be alright.


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