football Edit

Everything Sherrone Moore said during his pre-Ohio State press conference

On Ohio State's offense

They're electric, they're balanced. TreVeyon obviously gives them the ability to run the football very effectively. O-line is gelling at the right time. Obviously, skill player-wise with Marvin, Emeka and Cade Stover and those guys, they've got guys who make plays on the outside lanes. Feel like the quarterback is playing his best football. Definitely a challenge our defense is going to be up for.

On whether he's expecting continued domination on the field and his thoughts on OSU

I think defensively they're really good. Offensively, they're really good. For us, it's just focusing on what we can control right now which is the preparation to this game. Mentally, physically and see what the outcome is after that.

On how the staff establishes a balance between doing what Harbaugh wants and trusting each other in the moment on game days

I think the preparation that we've had up to this point in training camp and spring ball all through the season has really prepped us for these moments to think like coach does and, at the same time, make the decisions that he wants. Obviously, situationally, being aware of what's going on in the game. We lean on each other heavily and all those situations to make the right call.

On whether he anticipates having any extra conversations with Harbaugh about handling outside noise

I probably might be the one. He trusts us and has prepared us for these moments. It'll be more so me than anything than him coming to me. I think our team is all about the players and how they prepare this week. How they mentally attack it and looking forward to it.

On how his life has changed the last few weeks

Yeah, more text messages. A lot more Facebook messages. I don't really get on Facebook but I see them pop up on my phone and just like, OK. Probably that more than anything. Other than that, I'm the same person, doing the same thing. When I go home, I still get yelled at. It's all good. My kids still run the house. For me, it's seeing more interviews and more things, that's the biggest thing for me. Managing the game, situations during the game. Other than that, everything has been the same.

On Roman Wilson, Myles Hinton and LaDarius Henderson's status

Should be good to go. We'll see further and we'll check with doctors as far as all three.

On whether anything about his time management during the week that changes

Probably thinking more so the situations as I plan. Obviously, when you're calling plays, you're thinking about that anyways so that helps versus being on the defensive side of the ball. Thinking about all those situations more so when we're on defense, at the end of the half and things like that. Just putting those situations in my head more times than I would if coach was on the field.

On J.J. McCarthy's health and how it has changed the way he's been utilized

He's feeling good. Actually, talked to him today and yesterday he felt the best he's felt. Just excited to get to work.

On the key to getting McCarthy on track in the passing game

Just get him in rhythm and put a good plan together for him. Just excited for the plan to continue to get installed and execute it.

On why he hasn't gotten in rhythm

I think we just gotta do a really good job with the plan and execute the plan in all phases. Protection, route running, completions, all that. We'll get there for sure.

On how much he uses the outside noise as motivation

I think they just do it anyway, they all have a chip on their shoulder. Sometimes a boulder. Nothing we talk about internally, constantly harp on, we just try to focus on beating this team we're about to play.

On what the players can prove this weekend

They're 11-0, number three team in the country. They're just out to prove that they're the best in the country.

On the short-term and long-term future of the program is at stake

I mean, we're just going to focus on this game. We're not going to try to talk about what's going on in the future or anything like that. Attack today. That's how our kids have gone about their business every week. We never look forward to anything else. We're going to try and make it the best Monday we've had.

On things to clean up offensively after the Maryland game

Just more detail, which I think is crazy, all the guys were already in yesterday so we've already cleaned that stuff up. Just detail things and finishing. The first half was really good except for the last drive and we drove down the field and had an unfortunate play he hadn't had since Bowling Green. Just sustaining that same consistency we had in the first half and the second half. Think we're excited to be able to do that.

On what he knows about being a head coach on game day that he didn't a few months ago

A lot. More interviews, the interviews post, pre. Having Dave (Ablauf) around as much as he can. I learned that Dave, he's phenomenal, I already knew he was good at his job but talk about a guy that's on point every second. Besides that, the general feel for me, I'm just trying to do my part to help the team win as the game goes on.

On what's difference being in the game as a head coach

The biggest thing is game management stuff. Talking to the refs where I usually don't talk to the ref at all. Coach wants me to make sure that I'm doing it. That's probably the biggest thing for me. Usually I have no association with the refs at all besides pregame, I might know somebody or something like that. That's probably the biggest adjustment.

On what a win this year over OSU would mean to the program

We all know what it means. It's The Game. It's one you practice, you play for, you work for all year. We all know the stakes and that'll give us a chance to three-peat a Big Ten title. The words, the prep, that'll come out a little later on down the week, try to keep it on a low boil this week because it'll get pretty high pretty fast. The kids are as prepared mentally and physically as they'll ever be to be ready for this week. Excited to get into that.

On Karsen Barnhart's confidence level and what he will say to him this week

I think just in general, in football, you're going to have bad plays. You play against really good players. We always talk about FIDO, Forget It and Drive On. If you don't do that as a football player, it'll harp you regardless of your position. Quarterback, running back, O-line, tight end, defense, all those things happen so you gotta make sure you push on forward because that stuff is gonna happen. Now you've got to refocus and get ready to go.

On whether he expects similarly aggressive playcalling against OSU

I guess we'll see as we get into the flow of the game as we prepare through the week. We'll see what happens.

On where the staff trusts James Turner from

I think that all depends on, also, the wind and the weather and what's going on. Just trust our special teams unit and trust Coach Jay and all the decisions so whenever those decisions occur we'll definitely defer to that.

On Harbaugh giving advice to talking to refs

No and I'm not going to talk to them how he talks to them. He can say whatever he wants to the refs. I just try to communicate and get an understanding of what's going on and calling what they're seeing, do what's best for our team and help our team as much as I can.

On whether it's hard to find a balance live

No, it's not. Found myself trying to pull back a little bit and not be too aggressive. You want them to like you, you want them to be on your side. It was all about communication.

On the balance between playmaker J.J. and reading defenses

Just let him be him. Let him be him. When you've got a really good player, can't put the handcuffs on him. Have to let them play. He made the mistake and he learned from it, he won't make it again. That'll be huge for us as we go down this stretch.

On how seeing other defenses has prepared him for Ohio State's

Besides our defense, I think they're the best one. I think Penn State is up there, I think Purdue is up there. The stats speak for themselves and you see it on film. They're good at every position. They're deep at every position. Going to be something that we prepare for mentally and physically. I'm excited for it.


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