Published Feb 26, 2024
Good Afternoon, Michigan Football: Who takes a big jump next season?
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Dennis Fithian  •  Maize&BlueReview
Director of Multimedia

M&BR's Dennis Fithian is back with another episode of Good Afternoon, Michigan Football!

Lots of topics in today's pod including what player pre-spring takes the biggest jump for U-M football for next year? Other items discussed include combine numbers for certain players, how to feel about the new 12-team playoff, and what to make of the new Big Ten members joining this year from the West Coast.


Open 00:00-1:22

Players that make the big jump for U-M 1:23-13:48

Feedback 13:49-32:53

U-M basketball 32:54-35:30

Rumors & feedback 35:31-38:46

12-team playoff 38:47-57:03


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