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Greg Crippen will stay ready regardless of who starts at center

Michigan has a few areas to address on the offensive line heading into the season-opener against East Carolina on Saturday.

With both tackle positions and center up for grabs, head coach Jim Harbaugh says that the battle during fall camp has been so close that the program will utilize the "Michigan Method' to figure out a winner.

One guy starts one game, the other one the next.

At the center position, the program addressed depth by adding Stanford center Drake Nugent into the mix with Greg Crippen and Raheem Anderson.

According to Crippen, who is going head-to-head with Nugent, the two remain close despite each player fighting for a spot on the field.

"We're both very competitive people and we're both great players," Crippen said. "We're both trying to be the best that we can every day. I think we're both close off the field, too. We talk a lot. He's just a great guy."

No matter what happens when the competition comes to its conclusion, Crippen is going to be ready to go whenever his number is called.

Nugent's addition into the mix during the offseason has only proven to him that everything must be earned and nothing will be handed to him.

"Michigan is a very competitive place and the best school in the country and in the world," Crippen said. "I'm going to go out there and give it everything I've got because I'm a very competitive person. Always prepare and always ready to give it everything I got every play."

With all that said, what's the rotation going to look like between week one and week two?

Don't expect the players to spill the secrets.

"I haven't been told much," Crippen said. "We'll see what it's like on Saturday."


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