Published Aug 20, 2022
Cornelius Johnson says chemistry within receiver room is 'really high'
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

It's safe to make the assumption that Michigan has an embarrassment of riches right now at wide receiver. With players ranging from the heavily experienced to first-year players with plenty of promise, the group has talent from top to bottom that could see the field this season.

With a lot of talent comes a lot of mouths to feed, however. Cornelius Johnson, who has seen plenty of football during his time on campus, was asked about keeping all the receivers happy at one time.

That doesn't appear to be an issue with kickoff two weeks away.

"I feel like we have a great group of guys and our chemistry right now is really high within the receiver room," Johnson said.

Johnson highlights one important factor and a lesson that each receiver could learn from last season. Every player is one snap away from being called upon. Ronnie Bell's injury last season is a prime example with other players needing to step up the rest of the way.

For Johnson, having depth is a good thing. However, the most important factor is to be prepared for any possible scenario moving forward.

"I would say for our receiver room, we always pride ourselves on being prepared for anything," Johnson said. "Especially as route runners, our jobs are to get open no matter what. Even if it's a run, or pass, we're all trying to contribute in any way. Once we do get the opportunity, for all the receivers, we've gotta be ready once it comes to us. Including the depth."

The Wolverines brought in an impressive freshmen class of receivers that are hungry to fight their way up the depth chart.

Johnson is hoping the young guys continue to grow and expand every facet of their games as they learn the playbook.

"Just depth and being able to run every route," Johnson said of the three freshmen receivers. "For us, we try to focus on necessarily being strictly an outside receiver, or strictly playing on the left, the right or the middle, or in the slot. We just call ourselves wide receivers in general. Getting them to know the playbook, getting everything going, that makes it that much more fluid for everybody else."


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