football Edit

Everything Grant Newsome told the media pre-Bowling Green

On tight end blocking from week one to week two

I think they took a big step. I didn't think week one lived up to the standard we've kind of set in the tight end room. How we should block, how we control the line of scrimmage and I think we really challenged the guys and they took a step forward in week two. We had one of our better blocking games as a tight end room in the last 18 months. It was really encouraging but we still have a big challenge ahead of us starting this week. Have to keep it up.

On different blockers for different schemes

Every guy has different skill sets, all the guys in the room are extremely talented but there are definitely guys with different skill sets and we try to put them into positions to showcase those skills. At the same time, you've got to keep people honest so making sure you're not developing tendencies that anytime one guy is in it's always this or one guy is in it's always this. It's always a balance in putting guys in a position to succeed. Also, mixing it up.

On whether the blocking roles are set

It varies from week to week, we like to mix it up. I think they're all capable of doing pretty much everything and we just like to put them in positions to succeed as much as we can.

On Bowling Green

You can see that they're really well-coached. That's the biggest thing. There's very few busts on tape where you've got guys wide open or anything like that. They're simpler than defenses we've faced the last couple of weeks, which is not a negative by any means because, like I said, they're really well-coached and they know where to be. They're really assignment-sound. It'll be a good challenge for our guys. A little different, like I said, because we'll have a better idea of where people are going to line up and what the defense should look like.

On ways AJ Barner has surprised him

It's always a gamble. Obviously, having Coach Hart here and he had that relationship with him when he was in Indiana was a huge factor for us. You have that kind of built-in level of trust and experience from Mike's time with him. We kind of knew what we were getting. I think the biggest thing he's brought outside of his on-field abilities, which you're starting to see, is just maturity. I think Coach Harbaugh has done a great job across the program bringing in older transfers who are kind of about their business, very veteran guys. There's no young guy immaturity that sometimes shows up, even with the best of kids. He's really all about ball. It's awesome.

On the opener without Sherrone Moore and whether he helped out the offensive line

Just helped out as I could. Obviously, we missed him. Both him and coach. Kirk did a helluva job calling the game. You work with people long enough you start to develop relationships and all a sudden you get into that rhythm and you're not there, you definitely notice that absence. It's good to have him back on the sideline on Saturday.

On what Max Bredeson brings to the table

He's extremely physical, great blocker. Obviously, fits that old-school fullback role that's not too common across college football, even pro football nowadays. Very similar to Ben in terms of mindset and desire. A little bit different personalities. Love the entire Bredeson family, can't get enough of them.

On whether it's a lot to ask a guy to take on Bredeson's role

I think so but I think the cool thing is that you sometimes get guys who it takes them a little time to know what their role might be and what their specialty could be. Whereas with him, he knew immediately, hey, I'm not going to be Luke Schoonmaker. Just because of my body type and that's not going to be my game. There's a role for me if I can really excel at this. He got here and basically day one kind of embraced that. You saw as a redshirt freshman, walk-on, to be playing significant snaps was a huge help for us last year.

On the benefits of having recruits visiting for game days

It'll be a huge asset, obviously, just getting them the game-day experience. It'll definitely help.

On what he wants to see the OL do better in the run game

I don't think it's just the offensive line, it's little things that are in position. On the perimeter, receivers, us as tight ends getting better. Offensive line, running backs, there's something every position group can do to, I don't want to say fix, we're running the ball well, just holding ourselves to the standard we know we can be as a run game unit. It takes all of us and it's something we've put a focus on as I'm sure Coach Moore and Coach Harbaugh mentioned. I'm really excited to see the guys come out and attack it this week.

On the younger tight ends

All the young guys are doing really, really well. Need to get Marlin more reps here and kind of let him showcase his ability some, he's had a great camp, as did Josh Beetham. Excited to have Matt Hibner get back healthy and starting to build a role. The freshmen have done a really good job from Deakon, Zack Marshall to Jalen Hoffman who is one of our freshmen walk-ons we brought in. They're all doing a great job and excited for those guys to hopefully get more reps throughout practices and if that opportunity presents itself in a game. I've been really happy with how those guys have played and we've been in a position so far this year where we haven't had to play those guys but they've all acquitted themselves well.

On what is keeping teams from employing a full-time fullback

I think it's the ebbs and flows of football. It's like anything, there's trends whether it be music or TV shows, it's like anything in life. There's trends and once you get into more of these spread offenses, it kind of trickles down to the high schools where kids want to get recruited, they don't want to be the old-school fullback that no one uses, quote unquote. I think people get away from it and I also think it takes kind of a special mindset. Even in the tight end room, even in the OL room, guys who block people for a living, it's a different animal to look at somebody who is 10 yards away from you running full speed and run full speed at them and take that collision on. The best example would be the Penn State last year and with Max, Jonathan Sutherland who was their SAM at the time, who is a really good player, they come downhill at each other and it's like two rams hitting each other. It's a special animal to have that mindset to be willing to do that and wanting to do that.

On whether they've practiced at night in the stadium to adjust to the new scoreboards and lights

Yeah, we were in the stadium a couple times during camp. Obviously, the improvements have been great. I don't know how much effect it'll have on the guys but we definitely spent some time in the stadium during camp. Think the guys have adjusted to it.

On AJ Barner playing more snaps than Colston Loveland

Just the flow of the game, just the flow of the game. I see it as we have three starting tight ends. The first game, Max was the quote-unquote starter just because we were backed up and he was the personnel on that play. I'm very fortunate that none of those guys in the room are selfish, it's not about, hey, why did he play 34 snaps and why did I play 31? They all care about winning and being great as a team. It's just kind of how the game flowed. Another luxury we have, again, is really have more than three starting tight ends and more than that, guys who can help us win games. One thing I wanted to focus on is to not play those guys 70 plays a game like I did something last year, it's something I didn't do very well. I overloaded Schoonie a little bit and it caught up to him towards the end of the season. It's been a focus distributing those snaps and to make sure we keep those guys healthy the entire year.

On how he's grown as a coach

I've said before but I'm very, very blessed to work with the best head coach in America and under the best staff, coordinators all the way on down in the country. It makes my job ery easy but, at the same time, you definitely learn by doing. It's like anything. There's been things that I look back on last year, that, hey, I didn't do a good enough job or, hey, I actually really liked that and I want to keep doing that. I'm very, very fortunate to have this opportunity to be able to learn and grow.

On what has changed since he was a player

I think the player leadership is incredible. Everybody uses the word culture and I think it's overused at times but I think the ownership of the players has grown since when I was playing, I'll say that. Not to say we didn't have good leaders or good culture or anything like that. I think the players have gone to another level of taking ownership of that. Hey, it's all of our team, it's Coach Harbaugh's program but really, at the end of the day, they're the ones who have to be out on the field, they're the ones who have to drive the ship so to speak. They've taken ownership of it and we've got an incredible group of juniors, seniors, all the way down in terms of player leaders.

On someone on defense he's watched a lot in practice that takes his breath away

There's guys at every single level. The one that jumps out to me is Kris Jenkins. It's funny, we'll be in the tight end room watching practice and he'll do something unbelievable and I'll say we've got some good news and bad news, guys. Bad news for you guys, he's really, really good. You have to face him every day in practice. There's not another defensive lineman in the country who is better than he is, I firmly believe that. Ones who are in that next tier are on another team. You can go every single level. The linebackers. Obviously, Will Johnson. I think we're really fortunate on offense to be able to go against some of the best players in the country every day.

On snap distribution being an emphasis for the staff this offseason

I'm not sure about other positions, I can speak for myself. That was one thing, looking back on last year, I didn't do a good enough job of was making sure I didn't give Schoonie too much, his body was able to withstand all of that. Definitely something that I focused on. I'm fortunate to have three-plus guys in the room who can really, really quality snaps, can play winning football for us. Makes it a lot easier.


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