football Edit

Everything Jim Harbaugh said about Michigan offense

Jim Harbaugh appeared on the Michigan football program's weekly radio show, Inside Michigan Football, on Monday evening.

The eighth-year head coach had a lengthy conversation with Jon Jansen on the offense, defense, and everything in between.

Divided into two segments for the offense and defense. Harbaugh took a deep dive into the roster's makeup.

First up, offense.

Here is everything the Michigan head coach said about the team's offense leading up to Saturday's first game against Colorado State.

On Monday's practice:

"Really good practice today. The energy was great. The execution was really good, so I was really pleased."

On team health:

"That’s a real positive. The Guys have built up a really good callus. Very few minor, not long-term, types of things. A few guys are working through a few things. The most healthy camp that I can remember anywhere I’ve ever coached. We’re rolling. Everyone is excited to play."

On evaluating the quarterbacks and how he came to a decision on starting both:

"Taking it from the practice field into ag aims setting. Both are playing at such a high level. We think both quarterbacks are playing at a championship-type level. Feeling very confident. Now we have to go see it in games. We’ll do what’s best for the team. Both are playing great. Look, I just can’t see it any other way. Would you prefer to only have one good quarterback? Would you prefer to have no good quarterback? I can’t see a scenario where this isn’t a good thing for Michigan football."

On Cade’s improvement:

"Great command of the offense. Throwing the ball really well…better than he’s ever thrown it… very accurate. He’s improved his pocket presence and awareness extending plays."

On what JJ McCarthy did to earn a chance at a starting role:

Lot of good things. So many good things. His playmaking ability is tremendous. He’s making all of the throws. So many times I’ve watched him run 40-50 yards and not get touched by anybody. The way he’s going through his progressions right now and making his throws, that’s a huge improvement. Not trying to turn water into wine every single play. Getting the ball and dispersing it to the playmakers. But always ready to make a play when he needs to. Surging in today’s practice, Saturday’s practice, and Friday. he’s put in his four best practices of training camp. He’s surging. A lot of good things.

How long will Harbaugh let this go on with the quarterbacks?

Just a person. I don’t know the future. Definitely, getting into the games and seeing what happens is a good thing. Like I said before, if it is right where it is today like it has been for the last three or four weeks, where they’re neck-and-neck. You watched practice, I saw you out there today. You probably see some similar things. That’s a good thing. Good thing for our team. As we talked about earlier, would you really rather not have two good quarterbacks?

Additional QB talk:

I’m excited about Alan Bowman, and Davis Warren. They’re both playing really good. Davis Warren had one of those kind of days where you know things are trending up. The guys are doing really good. Matt Weiss is doing a great job coaching the quarterbacks. that’s all I can tell you. I don’t know if it will be Game 1, Game 2, or Game 3, or when it’ll be, but we’ll be talking about Alex Orji on one of these radio shows. He’s doing a heck of a job.

On Matt Weiss and Sherrone Moore’s synergy:

It’s a collaborative effort, not only between Sherrone and Matt but Mike Hart, Grant Newsome, and Ron Bellamy. That whole offensive side of the ball, coaching staff, and some great analysts as well. They’re all pulling in the same direction. Bleeding blue. Biff Poggi has made a bunch of great contributions as well. It’s really good on that side of the ball, and I see some of the same things from the other side of the ball. I talk about our players a lot, and I know I’ve talked about them and how they attack everything you put in front of them, and there’s zero entitlement on our ball club. I don’t see any in the near future. But I could say the same thing for our coaches. Both our players & coaches bleed blue and attack. They’re not afraid of any challenge or any new challenge. All of that bodes well for Michigan football. It’s in that kind of a place. Great energy around the building, on the practice field, in the meetings, in the weight room; I mean, nobody better than Ben Herbert. He’s somebody that doesn’t look for attention. There’s never shameless self-promotion. I got to pay him a compliment. When we first hired Ben, he came in here and it was the energy, enthusiasm, and attention to detail. Literally laser-focused. The extra effort of coaching and enthusing guys in a positive matter. Like a syringe of confidence on a daily basis. I look back five years later, and there’s been absolutely no difference. He does not take vacations. He does not observe holidays. He hasn’t been sick. Just a human jackhammer. It’s been infectious for our ball club.

On players surging:

There are a ton of players right now that are just surging. It’s almost daily, weekly. You can just see guys making big strides.

On the pleasure Harbaugh gets from players improving:

A ton. Guys like Ronnie Bell he’s playing at such a high level, and he was already at a high level. Blake Corum had a tremendous practice today. Donovan Edwards, Luke Schoonmaker, Erick All, Roman Wilson, Cornelius Johnson. Again, really surging type guys, and you’re just watching it and saying, “wow, these guys are really jumping out of their skin." Ready to play this first game. There are lots of guys that are chomping at the bit, hungry, and ready to play this game Saturday.

On Corum & Edwards's expectations:

Don’t leave out Mike Hart. Wait ’til you get a look at Mike Hart. Getting darn near close to playing weight. Working out every morning and afternoon. He was running out there at practice. He looked like Mike Hart. He looks great.

That running back group is great. Really, two starters there in Blake Corum & Donovan Edwards. Two tremendous players. Both had great practices today, both had great camps leading up to the first game. The third running back is kind of an or/or/or with Tavierre Dunlap, CJ Stokes, or Isaiah Gash have all been good. I know Gash will be good. What we see in practice, I predict what we see in games. He’s also a returner, but he can run all of the inside runs and outside runs and catches the ball really well. Stokes is ascending fast, fast. Tavi is arguably in the most improved category. really taking care of the football and playing his game. Big back. Working on catching the ball better. Getting the protections. Mike’s done a really good job with that position.

On having multiple backs who can catch the ball out of the backfield:

It adds a lot. That’s for sure. Each one I’m as excited to see in the ball game. The team has a lot of confidence in each guy.
