football Edit

Everything Jim Harbaugh said during his pre-Indiana press conference

On tight end blocking

Really terrific as a group. Been great. A.J. Barner is really doing it at a high, elite, level right now. Been a great addition to the team. Max Bredeson continues to—thought he had only like one missed block in the game. Colston Loveland, the whole group is really excelling at a high level. Especially blocking and receiving.

On PJ Fleck's postgame comments

Good, thank you. I have a lot of respect for Minnesota, I think they're a heckuva good team. We were really on our game. It's great to get the win. Came out pretty healthy, too, from the game. Just better. Really impressed with—better each week, getting better and better. Guys are locked in. Really, apparently, locked in. You see that in practice and in games. Feel like we can keep on that trajectory. It's very good to come out of that game seeing the evidence that the team is improving. Constant improvement. It's a successful way to go about things. Improvement will lead to success. Want to keep doing that.

On the boa constrictor analogy

Can't give Ben Herbert enough credit and the entire staff in our strength and conditioning department. They're the best. Well-documented. It's a relentless pursuit that I've noticed. That our players are fully bought into. That commitment to, the unyielded commitment, to the basics, the fundamentals, the effort, the practice, the preparation. It's good.

On how he keeps the players locked in

I've been noticing a real apparent locked in by our team.

On Mason Graham

It's great to have Mason back. He was really chomping at the bit, too. Didn't really want to sit out the two games and you could see—it happens sometimes with a player is able to play. Just miss it a lot. Especially noticed it with him and he couldn't wait to get back out there and played really good. He was one of the players of the game with the club. Cool. Cool stuff. I think he's becoming a lot of people's favorite player. Had a few texts from different people. Friends who know football that were really impressed as well.

On whether he thought Kalel Mullings could be a RB when he was being recruited

Yeah. I did. He was playing really well at linebacker and started having some conversations with, especially, Dale Mullings, Kalel's dad. We started talking about it. He reminded me of Kalel and his ability to be a running back and what I thought of that. Went back and watched the tape again, some of the high school clips, said, yeah, I agree with you, Dale. I've talked about this with the parents and how good they are. Really, they know their sons the best. They've been watching them for 18 years and get valuable input from them when they come to practice. They're practically like a video camera watching their own son at practice. We all work better, right, when there is a video camera on us. Even if there wasn't any tape in the video camera, I know it's different now, there's a chip. We'd all work a little harder if we knew somebody was watching. Especially when a parent is there watching, it's like a human video camera on them. You get good feedback afterwards. I encourage that. I encourage, also, the coaching the parents give their kids. Long story short there, that was something that was also driven by Coach Dale Mullings and we're very appreciative of that observation.

On how much this season is beneficial for the younger players

It's huge. How big? Historically very big, very huge. Not only with when a player starts maturing and getting that confidence and getting that time on task. They can see that they can do it. There's a level of confidence and maturity that, for all levels, is very good for how that player is going to be three, four games down the road, next spring or next year. We're hitting that spot where, historically, freshmen start coming into their own. Game seven on the horizon here, usually it happens almost predictably somewhere at seven. I know it's a biblical number but it seems to be that way in football for freshmen. If they're going to play this year and they're sure enough, good enough, they start showing up right around this time. Them getting the opportunity to do that has been very valuable for them and us.

On the Jesse Minter's halftime adjustment

I think we can say it's not coincidence that some of these statistics that we're seeing defensively, offensively, special teams. We have really good coaches. Get accused of hyperbole and things of that nature, I'm not Nostradamus or anything, I see it. I see it when it's occurring and now when it's good. We have really good coaches. Jesse Minter is outstanding, outstanding in every facet. Apple doesn't fall too far from the branch. Rick Minter, seen a lot of football. Seen a lot of balls kicked off. He's come about it really good. In his own way. He's really a great coach at everything. At his knowledge, at his teaching, his ability to adjust. He's wicked smart. So many things that are great. He's doing a tremendous job.

On signing a new contract

Yeah, like anybody, you want to be somewhere where you're wanted. They like what you do and how you do it. They tell you that, your bosses tell you that and that gets reflected in a contract. Bottom line, any of us, right? We want to be somewhere they like how you do it and what you do. Also, I think I did comment on Aidan Hutchinson should be the number one pick in the draft (laughs). I think I was right on that one as well. Did you see that interception on the screen pass? The one-hander? Wow. So proud of him and the amazing job that he's doing. Statistics reflect very well and what he's added. Darn exciting to be a football fan in Michigan right now.

On Mason Graham's block destruction

He's a really good football player. Was in high school. I thought he was a good offensive lineman. He was a really good tackle. He could play guard but he was a really good defensive lineman, too. He was good at both of those positions. It was a gift from the football gods to get a defensive tackle like him and Kenneth Grant. It's what we really needed at that time, two big defensive tackles. Mason started at defensive tackle. Started as a freshman, had his best game the fifth game of his freshman year. He's continued on in a great way. All good there. Effort, toughness, his discipline, humility, attention to detail. It's all trending in a great way.

On whether his offensive line knowledge helps him as a DL

Yeah, I would think so. I definitely do. All that to say he's a football player. Best thing you can say about somebody, the highest compliment you can give him. Another great play, too. Cam Goode, he had his best game. Kris Jenkins continues to be— talk about block destruction, nobody right now that I've seen anywhere is doing it better than Kris Jenkins. Pretty phenomenal.

On Cornelius Johnson's biggest strengths

So many. Talent, speed, route running ability. He's a very good catcher of the ball. He had the one drop but he had some real exceptional plays. The post that he caught after being interfered with on the field from the film, still had the concentration to make that catch. His balance, Ben Herbert has pointed that out before. His slack block control just keeps showing up. Ohio State last year, this year in this game a couple times. Pretty elite level that way. We noticed it, too. Game ball to Cornelius Johnson as well.

On his reaction to national media discussing Michigan's strength of schedule

I really don't have one. Whatever is being said, all that kind of thing, we're just trying to get good at football. Don't really pay too much attention to what's being said good or bad. It's just about us. Want to talk about any subject, sounds like complacency was one earlier, the only anecdote for any kind of things, good or bad, leadership, character, that unyielding commitment to the basics and fundamentals of Michigan football. And a faith in each other. We'll continue to keep attacking. Whether it's the preparation, the meetings, the training, the practice, the games. Just do the best we can. That's all we can ask of ourselves and our teammates.

On whether he feels wanted at Michigan

Yeah. I do.

On whether he's had any assurances about his contract

Yeah, that's kind of been a three-and-a-half-year thing, what that is. Eventually gets put into a contract. Can't say it any more clearly. Definitely open to that. I think I've shown that through the years. Like anybody, man, I'm concentrating on having a good practice today. Got a team meeting coming up. It's just coach the team time when you're in the middle of a season.

On Indiana

They're a gritty team, always thought that about them. Gritty leadership. Tough outfit. We're going to have to play good. They're being more efficient in all phases. They're improving, too. Like anybody, it's a race to get better each week and go out and find your identity and play best as a team. I see them on an upward trajectory as well and we always know they're a tough outfit. We're going to have to get prepared, have a great week of practice. That's really been key for us. I've noticed the last three or four weeks, getting better and better. Having that focus. It's what we're doing.

On Karsen Barnhart's versatility

Super impressed. He's a trusted agent and known friend. Selfless player. Does everything for the team. He's always locked in and pulling his weight. You can go back—it's no surprise. He is who he is. Jenny and Jeff Barnhart, nobody works like Jeff Barnhart. Six, seven days a week operating the big machines. That guy, he's like a hero to me. Might've mentioned a few times, gotten into some of the tools and upping my game when it comes to skid steers, tractors and chainsaws. That's who I idolize in that department is Jeff Barnhart. Got a chance to work with him a few times on a project. Watched him move that dirt around with the skid steer. Taught me how to do it. That was cool. You go back to those two, know what they've poured into Karsen. Wouldn't be a surprise at all. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree at all. He's one of my favorite guys. I might've made the comment that I thought J.J. was the best quarterback in the country after the game, I had a chance to watch USC on the flight home, he's really good, too (laughs). I would say that would be like, now you're in the world of talking who is better, Kobe or Michael? Peyton Manning, Tom Brady. They're both good. They're both really great. Even after watching the film, the playmaking ability. The total control that J.J. has, even when it looks, 'What is he doing?' There was a point in the Rutgers game, no, it was Nebraska. He rolled left and threw the touchdown to Roman in the back of the endzone, I have to kind of out myself here, as he was running, rolling left, I'm trying to tell him run, run, run and then I see him cocking the arm to throw, I go, 'No, no!' Throw, touchdown and then J.J. looked right at me. I meant yes! I meant throw, I meant throw. Even when it looks like as it did in that moment where he should be running for the first down and not throwing that late in the down.


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