Published May 18, 2023
Everything Michigan's Myles Hinton said on the In the Trenches podcast
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

On what it's been like since he's been on campus

It's been great so far. I'm loving the experience. I have an apartment now, versus a dorm, it's a big difference. Having a twin XL bed versus a full I can fit in. Just loving the area, loving how it's a real college town and just acclimating to the school as well.

On Chris Hinton

Right now he's with the Chargers, I think OTAs just started so he's in LA right now training and doing well. He got a new dog if that means anything to anybody (laughs). His name is Rylo, a rottweiler. He's a puppy still. He's doing well, he's doing well.

On what he learned at Stanford

I learned that football can work for me. Going into college, I wasn't sold on the sport, which kind of surprises people. I was like, OK, I'll play this sport. It fits me physically, my dad played it so it's kind of part of the family. Once I got to college, started playing and learning more about football, I was like, wow, this can be a vehicle for future success. I was trying my best to put myself in a good position to have success in that facet. Also, I learned that there's more to it than just being a talented player. You really have to understand and digest the information you're getting. In the meeting rooms, you're watching film, you can't just watch it and watch your footwork and be, OK, that's whatever. You really have to understand the defense and understand what they're doing so you can do what you do.

On not following in the family footsteps by going to Stanford

It was, for sure. Also, like I was saying before, I wasn't really sold on the sport, too, so I was trying to set myself up for, OK, if football doesn't work out past college, what will I have after that? I worked in a lab on campus last summer. Getting connected to the biology world, that's what I studied when I was there. I think it was a good stepping-point. Once I got to a point mid-last year, I started to love the sport a lot more. I realize this environment I'm in right now, I don't know if it's conducive to being the best player I can be. It wasn't really the coach's fault or anything, I think it was the university. Kind of the area, it was kind of restricting.

On what was the trigger that made him love football

I think the biggest thing was me really realizing my ability. For a while, I really didn't understand that, OK, I'm kind of quick, I'm kind of strong. It took a while for me to grasp what I could do on the field and off the field physically-wise. Growing up, my brother was the athletic one. He was the sports player and I was kind of the brother that tagged along to games or whatever he was playing. I really didn't see myself as a big-time athlete. I really didn't until midway last year. I forget what I was doing but I was like, OK, it's starting to click. I know what it was. We were doing a drill on the field where it was an agility drill, a little challenge that we did at Stanford, it was a little relay race. You get a med ball—it's complicated to explain but you put the balls down, cut, change direction and it felt so smooth and I was like, maybe I can work on this?

On why he decided to choose Michigan

Just with the history with the school and my brother and being a recruit in high school. I kind of knew the program, the people around the program, knew what it was about. If I leave Stanford at all, that's where I'm going. I landed here, it kind of worked out in that way.

On coming into the offensive line room

Honestly, I don't know yet. The course of action for me is to get better and get stronger, quicker, faster. Just learn the playbook as fast as I can and see where it falls. I feel like also the reason I came here was to be challenged. I didn't want to come and walk into a spot. I knew if I walked into a spot, I wouldn't grow. There's room to grow, I'll be pushed in that way.

On meeting with Ben Herbert

Love the staff. I love the entire weight staff, they're really cool guys. Right now, I still have shoulder issues. I had surgery last summer so I'm still recovering. I saw Coach Herb, I told him the protocol and once I get healthy, he told, it's going to get scary when you get going. I've been doing all left-arm stuff and I think he's really excited to get training with me and I'm the same way. I'm just ready to get going.

On battling through an injury in a new environment

I had surgery in high school on my left shoulder, same kind of issue. I have been through the process, rehab-wise. I just like challenges, personally. I like being challenged. I don't like comfort. If you get comfort, you get kind of complacent. This is not the case. I kind of like having something to strive for. Being behind the eight-ball, I guess, makes me want to work harder. If I work harder, therefore, I'll grow more. Putting myself in a position where I might be a little bit behind or a little bit at a disadvantage in the long run, it's going to work out to my advantage.

On what a scouting report on Hinton looks like

My strengths would be that I have pretty quick feet. On the contrary to that, I need to work on balance, in the run game especially. Solid balance pass-pro wise but just like in the run game, I feel like I get tossed off late more than I should just because I block kind of heavy, bend the waist more than I knee bend. I take really big steps. I need to shorten my steps up, play with more knee bend and strike with my hands instead of hands then head. Pass-pro, up until midway last year, I didn't punch very well. Like, at all. I'd kind of punch disjointed or I would miss. Midway through last year, I started to do independent hand punches, punching with my post-hand first.

On Drake Nugent

Just a diesel. That kid can go. He has the most insane motor and insane mentality that I have ever seen in a player, ever. There are days out west where we would be conditioning and I'm always next to him because I need to be pushed. I want the challenge. I was next to him and I was like, man, Nugent is going. He is going nonstop. He is always the first guy in conditioning. He's always yelling at me, getting it going Myles. He thrives in that red area. Whenever he's like on the very of passing out, he gets more excited. It's crazy. I've never seen it anybody. I'm so serious. It's crazy.

On Sherrone Moore and the OL

The room is amazing. Everybody is cool and everybody has a great attitude towards the sport. They all want to learn. They all have a great mentality towards making mistakes. If someone messes up it's not huge. It's kind of, OK, a learning experience. The same way with Coach Moore. He's not going to harp on mistakes, just don't repeat it. Just common coaching, don't do the same thing over and over again. He's not a big screamer or yeller, which I prefer because that gets you nowhere, in my opinion. I learn better when someone talks to me like we're equal. I have respect for you, respect for me.


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