Published Aug 13, 2024
Everything Sherrone Moore said during his fall camp press conference
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

Opening Statement

Yeah, first, thank you everybody for coming. Really appreciate you. First, number one thing is camp is going phenomenal. We're in a really, really good place. Getting calloused, as we like to say around here. Having a physical camp, but also having fun, too. Competition is at an all-time high. Guys are not satisfied with where they're going to be, and we're going to continue to do that. I know there's some questions regarding the whole NCAA investigation and really the statement is we're cooperating with the NCAA fully. We have in the past, will in the future, and we'll continue to do that. Really, right now, it's an ongoing case, and we need to preserve the confidentiality of the proceedings. For that, we're just going to hope you guys understand that. I know there's questions about all that stuff coming up, so anything else to address, I'll address.

On anything he wants to say about the text messages

I'll just say this, is that I look forward to them being released, and that's it.

On camp standouts

The list is huge. There's a guy at every position that's really taken the next step. I think the guy that really has been where he was in the spring and taken the next step in fall camp is TJ Guy. He's a guy that's really taken that next step of you got Josaiah, you got Derrick, and you got him, and you got other guys that are chomping at the bit. He's really taken that step to be an elite player and be that guy that there's not that much of a drop-off like last year. I feel really good about TJ. He's changed his body. He's done a lot of great things. At every position, you can go down the line, and we'll talk about other positions. Another guy that just jumps out is a guy that has started a game for us is Gio El-Hadi. He's changed his body. I think being behind Keegan and Zinter the past couple years, he's really done a really good job of learning. We always say watch, emulate, surpass, and that's what he's trying to do. Those guys have all – the whole team's been outstanding, but those two I could think specifically. Ironically, they're really, really close. I think they were roommates, so good to see.

On the offensive line

They're coming together great, and you can ask the defensive guys they're giving them a run for their money. I know that as long as I'm here, we're going to be good up front. We're going to be violent. We're going to be physical. We're going to be tough, relentless, all the things you want. We have a couple guys that are cementing themselves at once, but not a whole first group yet. I think we've got a lot of battles still going, and it's kind of like last year. We – I mean, we had guys that started – Myles Hinton started the first four or five games, and then didn't start after that, but still played. So I think the competition is just going to continue to go into the season as we keep going, and excited for – to see who rolls out week one.

On the depth at OL

Pretty good. I think we're in a good place. We've got nine or ten guys that are competing on a daily basis, so excited about that group.

On whether he has regret on how he handled the text message situation

You know, I'm not going to comment about any of that.

On the quarterback battle

I mean, they're all been really good. They've had their days that one guy's been good, one guy's been really good, one guy's been better. So not a frontrunner. Really kind of all even playing right now, and we'll see how we go into this week, next week, and then game week.

On what he's seen from the team that has given him confidence about success

I mean, I think just number one, the way they walk in the building, the way they carry themselves, the way they take care of the new locker room, which is beautiful. We've got an undefeated record, and we keep track of everything. You know, keep track of how the locker room is. And it's been awesome keeping track of the building and everything we do. So that's been great. And just watching our guys in practice, and when you have the vision of the head coach and you stand behind and you see everything going on, you watch the quarterback, you watch the line, you watch the D-line, you watch the defense's eyes, you hear the communication that the defense does, and you hear the pads go. Like, you're like, oh, yeah, we're going to be good. You can feel it. You can sense it. And there's just a, you know, we don't really care about what other people think. We're just ready to go. So the guys are working their tails off, and they're excited.

On where he's seen growth from Kenneth Grant and Mason Graham

I mean, I think, one, conditioning. They just did a really good job of trying to keep themselves in top shape, knowing that they've got to play a couple more snaps. Two, leadership. They've really taken a leadership role, and they're still young guys. They're only juniors. You know, you say that's upperclassmen, but, you know, we've been dealing with fourth and fifth and sixth-year guys. So to watch those guys be leaders amongst their group and keep the standard where it is, they've done a really good job. So that's where I'd see the real growth. And from a fundamental aspect, Coach Esposito's done an outstanding job from their hands, their pad level, their feet, and all those things are going to keep coming. But from a leadership standpoint, that's where they've really taken the next step.

On what went into having Jim Harbaugh as honorary captain

Yeah, you know, I actually just talked to Coach yesterday, and really what went into the decision is we made that decision, like, in March or I think it was January or February, actually. January or February. So it was really to honor him for what he's done for Michigan. I mean, he came back for nine years and took us to where we are now. So it was really to honor him. It was nothing besides that. And yesterday he called me, told me that he didn't feel that he could leave his team in true Coach Harbaugh fashion and wanted to be in the foxhole with his team and not want to make it look like he was taking a deep, long bow. So he's not going to make it for the game. But we're going to have some of our guys that are there, and then Jack and Jackie Harbaugh are going to take his place. So super excited about that.

On whether Jack Tuttle has been available for camp

Yeah, he's been good. He's been good. But competition's ongoing.

On a timeline for announcing a starting QB

I mean, could be the week of, could be the day of the game. I think we'll see.

On the kicker battle

Yeah, I mean, both of those guys have been really good. Dominic Zvada's probably leading in that one right now. He's been kicking it through the roof. He's done a really good job. But Samaha, I mean, he put two more days together the other day. So, I mean, you can't relax around here, because as soon as you relax, somebody's chasing you. So it's, but the competition has been really good.

On how the new NCAA roster rules impacts his program

Yeah, I think you've got to be really careful on what you do. You've got to be precise in your evaluations of who you pick and who you bring on your roster and what you do. And you've just got to be smart and research and bring in the right guys, which we're going to continue to do. So for us, it'll be an evaluation of the guys that are on the team, an evaluation of the guys that we're going to bring in. And, you know, whenever that final verdict of this is what it is and this is what happened, we'll make the decision on how we need to do that internally.

On whether the new roster rules are good or a detractor

I mean, I think I get it. I get the numbers. But you always want, you know, for us, the more the better. We've always had a lot of guys, and the walk-on programs are huge around the country. So always a benefit of that. But there's going to give opportunity for guys at different places. So I think it'll work out for everybody.

On putting his imprint on the program

I've been lucky that I've been here for, this is going to be seven years. So I've seen the evolve of us from 18 to 19 to 20 to 21 to 22 and then obviously last year. So I got a good feeling on how the program has been ran. And Coach obviously gave me a lot of opportunities to see that and feel that and be in meetings with him when he's making decisions and help him make decisions. So I wouldn't say it has been easy. It hasn't been easy by any means. But I think the players have made it easy because the player, the culture is there. So for me, it's just my job is to make sure everything is aligned and in the right place and make sure that they're in a good position to help us win games and be successful off the field.

On the one piece of culture that will not change

The discipline being great people off the field, that's not going to change. We're going to continue to do that. The only thing that's really changed, like I said before, is that we play music in practice. And we do that sometimes, but I just like music. So sometimes I like to tap my toes, shake my head. I like to hear songs. And I like to hear new songs because then the players tell me new songs and I get new artists, so that adds to my playlist. So it helps. But besides that, nothing's going to change.

On whether there's anything he needs to change about the culture given the recent headlines

I'd say this. When you're at the bottom, they don't respect you. When you're in the middle, they ignore you. When you're at the top, they hate you. So for us, we're just going to keep rolling.

On whether he's happy where the culture is

We're great. We're excited about game one. We're excited about the next day. And, yeah, I can't really control what people want to say about us. So we're just going to keep rolling.

On the internal expectations of repeating as Big Ten champs

I think we always talk about the process. We don't really try to talk about the prize as much. Just getting better today will lead to more success tomorrow. So that's all we're concerned with. We know what the goals are. We know what the aspirations are. I think when you're at Michigan, you always want to win it all, and that should be our goal every year. But we're just going to attack the process.

On how difficult it will be consider the players lost

Yeah, I mean, we got a lot of talent here. I think we got maybe four or five guys that might be drafted in the first round. So we got enough talent, and we're going to develop them.

On true freshman standouts

Yeah, there's a couple of them. I mean, starting quarterback position, Jadyn Davis, he just has the it factor. He makes plays. Competitive, obviously, was a three-time state champion, player of the year, but poised, has ability. We'll see how it progresses. His teammate, Channing Goodwin, I mean, he's a playmaker. He's a dude that's going to probably help us this year in some way, shape, or form, and always said that it's easier to play the farther you are from the ball, especially early. If you're a lineman, D-lineman, it's harder to play early. So those guys up front, those linemen, especially O-linemen, it's harder for them to play early, and they're all going to be really good players. But those two, from a skill set standpoint, I think offensively will be the guys. And then the tight ends have been awesome. Jordan Marshall is probably the next guy. He's got a chance to be special, dynamic.

On whether Jordan Marshall is RB3 right now

Yeah, we'll see. Ben Hall is, you know, having guys like Jordan Marshall in the room will make you play fast and physical. And Ben Hall has played all of 230 pounds he is, so he's run physical fast. So super excited where he, you know, how he's hitting and how he's gaining momentum. And then on the defensive side, Dominic Nichols is probably the guy that jumps out the most as a freshman. That's really, you know, because he's been here in the spring, and he came here, and he's been in the fall. So he's a guy that I think as a freshman has got a chance. And then probably one more guy is Cole Sullivan.

On why he thinks the staff is creating negative headlines and not the players

Yeah, I'm not going to comment again about the NCAA stuff. And we've handled those situations, so we're just ready to keep moving forward.

On handling Kenneth Grant and Mason Graham's conditioning with a larger snapcount

Yeah, I mean, we never want to just get through anything. You know, we're ready to attack. So we're always going to be in good shape regardless of what we think we've got to play, 70 plays, 80 plays, 90 plays. So I think all the guys are just excited to go compete, and it has nothing to do with anything else more than that. They want to go win.

On how challenging that will be

I mean, you know, you were able to kind of ramp up for the meat of the schedule. Yeah, I don't think last year we tried to hold back. I think we were trying to put everything in 100% every game. There's no holding back in college football because if you don't bring it, you'll get beat. So that's our thought process.

On Donovan Edwards

I mean, he's just a great spirit. You know, he walks in a room, he brightens up a room. His smile, deep voice, just everything about him is so positive. So for me, I like just getting his energy. Just being around him is awesome. And then from a production standpoint, obviously you'd like a player like that in the run game, in the pass game. So he's done an unbelievable job. He keeps being a leader. And I think that's where he's really taken the next step as a leader, not only in the running back room but as a whole offense. And you see him call up the offense. You see him talk to the defense. You see him talk trash to the defense. You see him, you know, make sure the offense is on point. So he's been outstanding this game.

On Will Johnson being at full strength

I think he just brings up the play. I haven't been around many corners that are as violent in the run game and as violent in the pass game. The dude was like coming off the edge the other day and playing contained and doing things and it felt like a linebacker doing it. And for a corner to do that, it's very, very rare. Obviously elite talent level, elite person, but the toughness, the leadership skills, all that, it's just unmatchable. And that's why he's the best corner in the country.

On CB2

I think right now we've got a little battle on the other side because obviously Will's Will. But Jayire Hill has really had a really, really good fall camp. I love Sug. He's phenomenal. He's got a great personality. But when he gets on the field, he's serious and he plays that way. And as soon as he steps on the sideline, he's Sug again. But he's really played well. Aamir Hall has really stepped up as well and has done some really, really good things. Keshaun Harris is another guy that's played really well. Ricky Johnson. All those guys are really stepping up and making some plays. Jaden McBurrows is another guy who's done it, and he's played a little. Nickel, too. But all those guys have been really, really good.

On the nickel corner spot

Zeke's done a really good job. Zeke's played some. Jaden's played some. Had a couple other guys, but probably Zeke and Jaden right now.

On whether the 12-team playoff impacts anything when it comes to losses

Yeah, we're never thinking about that. We're going to try to prepare to win every game. That's always a goal, always a goal for us. I think in fall camp you have to build the callous. You have to get better. You have to push each other. And you just got to be smart throughout the season of when you prepare, of how much hitting, what you're doing, and just be smart in those regards. But it doesn't really change anything in our mindset, because you've got to go win, because if you don't win, you're probably not going to get in. So that's our mindset.

On Rayshaun Benny's health and the depth behind him

Yeah, he's been awesome. He came back, and you never know with a foot and ankle how it could be. I mean, it's like nothing really happened. And we've been trying to just progress him, progress him, and he gets mad at us, me, sometimes, like, hey, that's good. He's like, no, I want more. I want more. So he's been great. And then obviously with the D-line, you've got Kenneth, you've got Mason, you've got Rayshaun, you've got Enow Etta, who's really stepped up. You've got Trey Pierce, who's really stepped up. On the edges with Cam Brandt, who's mixed in there a little bit, he's really stepped up. You've got Josaiah, you've got Derrick Moore, you've got TJ Guy. So now you're building depth, and you're building a group that you think you can go win with.

On the quarterbacks

I think with all of them, you've seen them be mature, be leaders, be poised, make plays, and really it's just that. It's just continue to do that on a consistent basis. All of them have done that. All of them made plays in their own right at every position. And just, you know, it's going to take time. It's going to take that week. It's going to take maybe that day to figure out who the guy is. But I feel really good about that room. I feel really good, feel confident. They've all made really good throws. They've all made plays with their legs, and all have done things to put themselves in a good position.

On whether his approach has changed from being a staffer to now head coach

No. Because I feel like, and I was told this a long time ago, like players can see right through it all. So if you're not yourself, then they'll really, you know, they'll attack that. So for me, it's all about them. It's always been about them. My door's always open. I hear them in there. I got candy jars in there, and all I hear is, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Dude's getting candy. Who is that? It's Sug. Okay, cool, great. And he'll come back there and ask me a question, walk out, leave. I'm like, okay, great. So that's never going to change. I want them to feel very welcome and be able to understand and know that I'm always there for them. The young lady in the camera, the camera. Yeah, I think it's great. I think if you don't have that, you're probably not going to have a good team. So for us, we love competition, and we want to drive that part of football in every way possible. So if you didn't have a competition, you know, you're in a bad place. So we feel really good about that.

On the recruiting penalties by the NCAA and what can be done about it

Yeah, I mean, not much impact. We're just going to keep going. Not much you can do about it, so we're just going to keep rolling.

On whether he's worried about wear-and-tear with a more daunting schedule

No. The way we practice is to make sure that we're ready for games, regardless of who we're playing. So they still got to play us. Our guys are excited about the schedule, competitive schedule. When you're in the Big Ten, there's not really an easy schedule. So everybody's got to have to deal with it. Everybody's got to deal with a competitive schedule, and that's what we want.


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