football Edit

Everything Sherrone Moore said on Inside Michigan Football pre-Ohio State

On what makes this year's offensive line special

The camaraderie, the unity, the way they focus, the way they work. They're such a selfless group. Obviously, very talented but the way they go about their business every day. For example, yesterday they came in and watched the film and were like, all right, we have to start up today on that team so they were already ready to go. So excited about this group.

On the challenges Illinois presented

I think they did a great job adjusting to different things. They did some things that they didn't show all year. Obviously, I think we play somebody we get different looks. We get more blitzes, we get things we didn't see all year. I think people prepare different for us, which is great. Our kids responded again and hit the knockout punch in the end.

On where he wants to see the OL improve

Just the constant communication. They're doing a great job but just want to see the constant communication, confidence to still be where it is and continue with the physicality that they played with. The finish, physicality and strain that they've shown all year.

On Olu Oluwatimi last week

He's been through a lot these last couple of weeks so we did just everything that we could to be there for him. Made sure I made contact with him as soon as it happened. Checked on him. The kid is as strong as 10 men put together. Just spiritually, mentally, physically. To handle that and all his brothers were there for him and we were a shoulder to cry on if he needed us. Coach Harbaugh was great, in front of the whole team he made sure he knew and understood that we were there for him.

On what Oluwatimi has meant to the offensive line

He's been a tremendous addition, tremendous leader. Obviously, very physically talented and has all the tools to be a great center at the next level. He's given us everything that he could and even more, than we thought we'd get.

On how they've kept unity and cohesion on the offensive line

We just want the best five out there, whoever it's going to be, that week. We train that way from spring ball into fall camp. Everybody plays every position so guys are never just stuck and you only play left, you only play right, you only play tackle, you only play guard. We're trained in every way so when those things happen, we're ready and prepared for battle.

On Ryan Hayes

It's been crazy because I recruited him when I was at Central, his parents went to Central. So I've seen him when he was a young, young buck. He was probably 230-something pounds. He thought he was going to play tight end and I was like, bro, you're not going to play tight end. He's an athlete, he's super athletic. He's got ability like a tight end from his ball skills, hands and all those things. It's been phenomenal to watch him work and see where he is now. Just accepted an invite to the Senior Bowl, which is really awesome. Just to watch him progress has been super cool and super awesome.

On Jeff Persi

Persi played confident, he played strong, he played physical. He had some mistakes like all normal guys do the first time they start. The one thing I wanted to see, was he confident in himself? Was he going to be freaked our or frantic in a Big Ten game and he wasn't. He played super cool, and collected. The best part about it is the guys with him, they all believe in him. It was cool to see that. Super excited for Persi.

On preparing OL to be ready at a moment's notice

I coach them like they're ones. I tell them I don't have any two's, you guys are all ones. Everybody is 1, 1a, 1b. Just because you're in the second line doesn't mean you're a two. Everybody gets coached exactly the same whether you're a scholarship player, a fifth-year player or you're a walk-on. They all feel exactly the same so they all understand and know what it takes when they do get on the field.

On Karsen Barnhart

So much different, so much confidence in his own abilities and so much confidence in the same and what he's doing. He's playing at a really high level. Just excited for him and the way he is playing.

On Trente Jones

He's back to full strength and he'll be ready and he will be available. We're excited to have him back.

On Zak Zinter's impressive block against Penn State

To a coach, it's like a painter with a masterpiece, it's just a beautiful thing. It was awesome. It just spoke to how the whole room works. They just want to rewind that over, and over, and over again. We watched it about 30 times and then you can see something different. It was phenomenal. Kind of the culture of the room. How they act and how they protect each other.

On the culture of the room

Really started last year. We had counted how many got sauced in a game or get sauced. They call it sauced, I don't know why they started doing that. Probably have to do with food, a beautiful thing, the ribs. It's a beautiful thing. All the kids, they all want to do it, they all want to emulate what that is. They see the vision, they see what it looks like. Now it's something that's just kind of standard in how you play.

On what he wants to see the offense improve

Just consistency. Consistency in all phases. In the run and in the pass. Keep the rhythm, keep the timing and do the little things to help us win. That's the only thing we worry about every game, winning each game and whatever we have to do to do that.

On how much they talk about the environment in Columbus

We're aware of it, we talk about it and the kids embrace it. They want that, they want that atmosphere. It kind of drives them a little bit. Very excited about it. We'll work crowd noise, as most teams do when it's loud. It's not going to phase us, it's not going to shake it.

On his Columbus story

It's not really something I should share because it's not very good so there's a story but I'll keep that to myself for now.

On how the environment impacts the coaches

I think you just have to live in that play, live in that time and don't get caught up in the emotion of the game and just be the playcaller at that point and do the things we gotta do to win and not get caught up in the, oh, it was this, it was that. It's loud. You just have to focus on what you do and your job.

On whether last year's game give confidence

I think it gives them tremendous confidence but it's kind of what they've done all year. The expectations that they've had for themselves, the standard that they've set for themselves is really the things they put in place to go down there and be successful.

On what he's thankful for

My family, friends and this football team. This program. My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Everything that we have is for him and just thankful for everything that I have.
