Published Jun 28, 2024
Good Afternoon, Michigan Football: Holly Jolly June
Dennis Fithian  •  Maize&BlueReview
Director of Multimedia
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M&BR's Dennis Fithian is back with another episode of Good Afternoon, Michigan Football!

Former Wolverine Jerry Diorio joins the show to discuss everything going on with Michigan. Recruiting, toughest places to play, new CFB rules and a hypothetical question about last year's team and this year's squad are all in the mix as we get you ready for the last weekend in June.


Open 00:00-5:00

Recruiting 5:01-13:44

Julius Holly 13:45-20:40

New CFB rules 20:41-33:51

Orji 33:52-35:15

Toughest places to play 35:16-45:46

Feedback 45:47-54:44

Last year's team hypothetical to this year's team 54:45-1:00:56


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