Published Feb 7, 2025
Good Afternoon, Michigan Football: Should U-M continue its five-star chase?
Dennis Fithian  •  Maize&BlueReview
Director of Multimedia
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M&BR's Dennis Fithian is back with another episode of Good Afternoon, Michigan Football!

We discuss what Sean Magee, Michigan's general manager on the football side, had to say on a recent U-M podcast. A look at some '26 football targets for U-M. Should U-M be targeting QBs and OT's considering that they have a bunch of good ones in this class? U-M basketball with a big game in Bloomington tomorrow afternoon.


Open 00:00-2:00

Sean Magee 2:01-18:22

Feedback 18:23-24:05'

26 targets 24:06-41:25

U-M basketball 41:26-49:22


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