Published Jul 10, 2024
Good Afternoon, Michigan Football: Who's next?
Dennis Fithian  •  Maize&BlueReview
Director of Multimedia
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M&BR's Dennis Fithian is back with another episode of Good Afternoon, Michigan Football!

Former Wolverine Jim Scarcelli joins the show to talk Michigan football. Recruiting, naming rights, coaching rankings and what will UM miss the most about not having Jim Harbaugh as its head coach. Not having Jim Harbaugh as its head coach and what Michigan will miss the most is the confidence of having his presence around the program. Harbaugh was such a dominating figure from the start in Ann Arbor but then rose to national prominence as one of the top coaches in the game. That's hard to replace. Sherrone Moore can't do anything about it but put in the work and cut out his own legacy.


Open 00:00-5:05

Recruiting 5:06-8:33

Nutrition & drinking 8:34-14:15

Feedback on LB depth & Rose Bowl 14:16-26:59

What will UM miss the most about Harbaugh 27:00-50:12

Naming rights 50:13-1:03:43


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