Published Sep 16, 2024
Key Quotes: Makari Paige, Donovan Edwards pre-USC
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

Makari Paige


On USC's offense

They have a lot of good guys on their offense. Their quarterback, like you mentioned, Miller Moss, some nice receivers. Quick receivers. To be able to stop them is going to be our job on Saturday.

On the third down defense

I would say it's not good so far but we've got to do better to improve that. Day by day this week we gotta tune that it in a little bit better.

Donovan Edwards

On Alex Orji the starter

That's the first time that's been brought to my attention. I'm excited for Orj. He's ready. he's been prepared for that first opportunity since he's been here. I forgot who said it, Dave or Orj, they're each others biggest supporters so whoever is in the huddle we shut up and we listen to the playcall and we go out there and execute because they're both phenomenal leaders at the end of the day. We've all been in that period of time, somebody else was in the game. It's a brotherhood around here so we're going to continue to bond together and get through this season together.

On his assessment of the first three games and his message to the team headed into conference play

2-1, every single game you look to be 1-0. Texas is a helluva team. Somebody has to win, somebody has to lose and it sucks it was us who has to lose because, of course, we wanted to go in there and win the game. I think that this team is in a good spot. As long we continue to bond and continue to play for one another, we're going to be a successful football team because that's what's given us success in the past three years since I've been here. That's my assessment.

On Kalel Mullings getting the spotlight

The thing with Kalel and I, we've both been in the situation where our numbers weren't the ones being called on. For us, now, we're going to do as much as we can to take advantage of the opportunity. For Kalel, he's been very spectacular. He's waited his turn, he's done everything for this team. He came here playing defense and now he's playing offense. That kind of tells you a lot about the kind of player he is. He plays special team on punt. Kalel is a fantastic individual and a fantastic player and I'm glad to see the success that he's having right because he deserves it.


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