Published Oct 24, 2017
Michigan Football: Highlights Of Jim Harbaugh's Weekly Podcast
Austin Fox  •  Maize&BlueReview
Staff Writer

Check out all the highlights of this week's "Attack Each day" podcast. Jim Harbaugh's wife, Sarah, guest starred.

Jim Harbaugh, on his introductory press conference at Michigan:

“It was a whirlwind, because I had been coaching a game two days earlier with the San Francisco 49ers. We won that game and usually I try to avoid the Gatorade dumping, but a few players got me with it. I lost my voice the next day, and that’s the reason I was so hoarse — it came back a bit, though, by the time of the press conference.

"I’d like to see the Gatorade dumping tradition go by the wayside. I’ve seen many old clips of coaches being carried off on players' shoulders after a win, and that seemed good enough for them. Instead, coaches nowadays get doused with ice cold Gatorade in sometimes freezing temperatures.”

Jim Harbaugh:

“You should never walk away when you get punched in the nose — that’s the time to fight back. That’s a valuable lesson we’re living right now as a football program. Getting a team to where it needs to be shows whether or not you have it in you — these are football fights.

"After a loss, the postgame locker room is where you have to come together as a team, and realize the medicine is in there. Everything you need is right there with the people inside that locker room.”

Jim Harbaugh, speaking about his son, Jack:

“He’s five years old, and he is really into scores and numbers right now. You can watch a basketball game with him and he won’t know who the two teams are, but he’ll want to hear who my favorite team is and who your favorite team, and then that becomes his favorite team.”

Sarah Harbaugh, also speaking about her son, Jack:

“Papa [Jim's father, Jack] is Jack’s best friend right now — he basically lives at their house. I’m just a little worried that he might wear Papa out; maybe he needs to find a friend more his own age.”

Sarah Harbaugh, on what she thinks her kids will be like as teenagers:

“I think Addie is going to give me a run for my money — we already argue like she’s a teenager, so I hope we’re just getting it out of the way now.

"I’m almost feeling now like Katie is going to be the troublemaker, because she’s always so quiet and reserved, so I feel like she’s going to try and get away with a lot.

"You’re always going to know what Jack is doing at all times. And I hope Johnny, being the last one, is going to be like me — nice and laidback.”

Co-host J.T. Rogan:

“Sarah, are you at all concerned with your son Jack’s best friend? He hangs out with this older guy who lives down the street and sits on his couch a lot. Don’t you want to preach activity?”

Jack Harbaugh, speaking about MeUndies underwear, one of the podcast's sponsors:

“When I wear MeUndies, I feel like I’m 35. But when I take them off, I’m back up to 78 again.”


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