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Michigan Football: QB Competition Neck And Neck

Michigan offensive coordinator Tim Drevno will sit down with head coach Jim Harbaugh soon to decide on a starting quarterback, but the public might not know who it is until the Sept. 3 opener with Hawaii.

The two-man race – redshirt sophomore Wilton Speight and redshirt junior transfer John O’Korn – is closer than many expected it would be, and the coaches aren’t giving anything away.

“We’ll sit down and make a decision, Coach Harbaugh and I and [passing game coordinator] Jedd Fisch and the coaching staff,” Drevno said last week. “We don’t want to make it too soon because we don’t want to make the wrong decision. We’ve got some time in training camp, so we’ll be patient with them all doing a good job.”

John O'Korn (USA TODAY)

O’Korn has the better arm, but Speight seems to have picked up the offense better. Freshman Brandon Peters has the physical tools but is probably a year away from being in the mix, still learning the offense.

All of them, though, have been on task during camp.

“Everybody’s understanding and we’re putting more concepts on them,” Drevno said “We’ve thrown at lot at them, and the retention is really good. It’s been an unbelievable competition; a laser beam focus, lock jawed, awesome to see how important it is for them to lead this team … they’re all are going through the process and doing a good job. We don’t want to make the decision too early and make the wrong decision.

“I just love their work ethic. They come out every day and want to be the best at what they do. It’s important to them that they be good, and good teammates to one another. They want to win.”

Harbaugh has said it will come down to who puts the ball in the end zone and moves it downfield with consistency. All have done a good job protecting the ball, Drevno said, but there’s no plan to go with a quarterback by committee.

“They’ve been really good limiting turnovers, knowing where they’re going with the ball, understanding concepts, knowing when the receivers will break,” he said. “At this time, no [committee]. But things could change. It’s not what we’ve done, Jim and I, in the past, but if the game plan deal is to change it up, [we can].”


The fullbacks have work to do to get the level graduated Sione Houma was at last year, but they’re progressing.

“They’re doing good,” Drevno said. “Khalid [Hill] is doing a nice job, has good initial quickness. Henry Poggi is doing a nice job.

“Khalid really has good initial quickness and snap. You see it, the first two quick steps you look for in a fullback. It doesn’t matter if he’s blocking, releasing in the flat or running routes.”

• Defensive coordinator Don Brown has done his part to bring pressure and test the offense.

“He’s bringing the house, baby, and I’m loving every bit of it,” Drevno said. “That’s how you coach. Coaching is about adjustments, matchups, teaching the room. You can sit there and teach four down, cover two, adjustments … protections, but when people bring pressure and move, you’ve got to be able to block on the move, protect and see all that stuff. That makes us a better football team.”
