Published Nov 29, 2023
Michigan vs Ohio State drew massive TV audience
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Trevor McCue  •  Maize&BlueReview
Senior Editor

With both teams undefeated and so much on the line, the 2023 edition of The Game between Michigan and Ohio State was viewed as the biggest game in the rivalry since 2006. On Saturday, 19.07 million viewers tuned into the game, the largest audience since the 21.04 that watched in 2006.

Last season's playoff matchup against TCU had an audience of 21.4 million.

Michigan vs Ohio State has consistently led the ratings for regular season college football games. Last season 17.14 million viewers tuned in for the game, which was 4 million more than the second most watched game between Georgia and Tennesee.

The second most watched game on Saturday was the Iron Bowl between Alabama and Auburn, which drew 9.09 million viewers.

The Game continues to be the best rivalry in college sports.


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