Published Apr 2, 2023
Mike Hart sees 'Hassan-like' qualities in Benjamin Hall
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

True freshman running back Benjamin Hall has had a unique path to where he is today. A third-stringer on his high school team to becoming a spring game standout for Michigan in just a few short months, Hall was turning heads for the blue team after starring for a position group that was not at full strength on Saturday.

Hart liked what he saw from his freshman but, in a typical coaching fashion, knows there's always room for improvement.

"He got here in January and he's going to be special," Hart told reporters after the game, ""I told him today, he should've had two touchdowns and he fell twice. He stepped out of bounds once and tripped on the other one. I just think his maturity, it's amazing. You wouldn’t guess he's 18 years old, just turned 18 a few weeks ago. He acts like he's been here a long time.

"He works hard. He studies, and he understands the offense. He's just getting better and better every day. He's just built like a grown man. I mean, he’s 225 pounds. His legs are huge. He runs hard. Excited about his future here."

Anytime you get compared to Hassan Haskins, it's a major compliment. The qualities that Hall possesses has his position coach being reminded of the talented running back that would run through, or over, defenders regularly.

While Hall is his own person, Hart sees similarities in running backs he has played with or coached in the past.

"He's Hassan-like," Hart said. "He's hard to tackle, he's hard to bring down. His legs are just so thick. You look at him waist-down, he's a thick guy. I would probably compare him to the guys we've had here to Hassan. You can go back to Kevin Grady, if you want to, back in the day. Kevin Grady was built that way."


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