Published Jul 13, 2022
Regents unanimously elect Santa Ono as Michigan's new president
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Josh Henschke  •  Maize&BlueReview

University of Michigan's search for a new president is over, as the Board of Regents unanimously appoints Santa Ono as the university's 15th president during a special meeting on Wednesday.

Ono will officially take over the reins as president on October 13. He comes to Ann Arbor after successful stints as president of the University of Cincinatti and University of British Columbia.

“On behalf of all of us seated here and the entire University of Michigan community, here and around the globe, I’d like to extend my warmest welcome to Dr. Santa Ono and his wife, Wendy, who has joined him today,” Paul Brown, chair of the Board of Regents said in a press release.

“We look forward to meeting your daughters, Sarah and Juliana, and son-in-law, David, very soon. We are thrilled and honored to have you here today and to welcome all of you to the University of Michigan family. I know you will continue to help us serve the public good.”

Ono will serve a five-year term with the university and will succeed Mary Sue Coleman, who took over as interim president after the Board of Regents removed Mark Schlissel.

“The University of Michigan is recognized worldwide as being at the pinnacle of public higher education,” Ono said. “It is a singular honor to be chosen to lead such an extraordinary institution.

“I look forward to embracing the university community and supporting their education, scholarship, innovation and service. And I look forward to joining Michigan’s 600,000 alumni in cheering for the Wolverines.”

For the entire press release, click here.


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