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What we know: On Jim Harbaugh's contract situation

Wall Street Journal was another publication in a long line of national outlets to add to the daily slow drip of news surrounding the latest NCAA investigation into the Michigan football program.

The investigation centers around U-M staffer Connor Stalions and alleged in-person scouting violations.

The WSJ reported on Sunday evening that the university "rescinded" a mega contract offer that was being worked on between the athletic department and Harbaugh.

While it's somewhat true, it's not telling the whole story.

Here's what we know.

M&BR reported on October 20 that terms between Harbaugh and the university had been agreed upon on a 'mega' contract extension between the parties. With no physical contract presented, the news of the NCAA investigation forced U-M to table the talks until some sense could be made of the current investigation.

As one source put it: "Rescinded not exactly the right word but yes. 'Put on hold' is more accurate."

This does not mean the talks are permanently shelved, as both sides are currently working towards figuring out a starting point to proceed as the NCAA is still in the collecting evidence phase of the investigation.

Stick with Maize & Blue Review for more on this developing story.


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